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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Clarins Lotus Oil

I've been trying different oils the last few months. I've tried Rosehip, Tamanu, Sweet Almond, and one that was a blend of different oils. I've also tried cleansing oils, such as Shu Uemura. So, far everything has made my overly acne prone skin break out. I got a sample of Clarin's Lotus Oil after reading a ton of positive reviews and have been using it for the past 2 weeks. I don't use it every day because I'm a bit scared that too much will have negative effects. So far, so good. It doesn't feel too greasy and the scent isn't horrible like other oils. This is especially for combination/oily skin which is great because that's exactly what I have. I don't put on any moisturizer on top of this..I don't think it's necessary. My face felt smoother and moisturizer went on much more smoothly after I started using this. You don't need a lot, a couple drops is good enough for the whole face. It's not exactly cheap, but will last awhile.

"Naturally astringent for Oily or Combination Skin. 100% pure plant extracts with no preservatives. Clarins’ exclusive blend of Rosewood, Geranium and Lotus extracts purifies, tightens pores and refines the skin texture. Hazelnut Oil softens, soothes and seals in moisture to prevent fine lines". (Clarins Website)

I still have a few more uses from my sample and will probably buy the full size when the sample's finished. From previous experience I know that oils might seem wonderful for the first couple of weeks, but then my skin reacts horribly and I'm left with small bumps and pimples all over.

On another note, today I was looking at a different ingredients in skincare products online and whether they are comedogenic or not and turns A LOT of what is most skincare products is. That does not mean everyone will break out from these products, but those who are more acne prone will have a tendency to do so. This is horrible! From my anti-acne cleanser to masks to moisturizers to primers....all have ingredients that will aggravate acne. Is it even possible to make a skincare product without any pore clogging ingredients?!

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