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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pukka Organic Rosewater Review

I've been trying to change all my skincare (and a lot of my makeup) products to natural and organic. There's been a lot written about rosewater and how great it is for the skin...people have been using it for ages. I figured I couldn't go wrong with a 100% pure rosewater. I absolutely love this stuff! I hate toners because no matter how "gentle" they're supposed to be, my skin always feels dry, but this is totally different. I use this morning and night after washing my face (and drying it, of course). Just a few spritzs all over the face and neck and then I use a cotton pad to gently pat my face (not rub). You want to make sure the rosewater is still on the skin. I wasn't crazy about the scent at's quite strong but I've gotten used to it. It feels really refreshing and doesn't dry out the skin like normal toners.  I put on my moisturizer after, and it absorbs much better. I've been using the same bottle for 3 months and it's about to finish. Luckily, I was in London last week and ended up finding a Whole Foods (yay!) and bought another bottle. I would say it's reasonable priced at about £11. This is one product I will keep buying. I used Melvita's Rose Extraordinary Water recently (had a sample bottle) and I didn't like it at all. I found my skin to be much drier after using it. It just shows that you don't need tons of ingredients in a product for it to work.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Retin-A Review

Spring? What Spring?! The ground is still covered with snow here in my part of lovely England. I guess it will be a white Easter (who would have thought). Been awhile since I put up a review of's been a busy month. I started using Retin-A 0.025% cream (not gel) in the beginning of January when nothing would work on my skin. After New Year's, my skin was especially clogged. This was probably partly due from wearing my MUFE foundation (I never learn tsk tsk). Well, drastic measures had to be taken. I'd ordered Retin-A from Amazon a few weeks before and finally decided to start using it. I was really hesitant because of the all the reviews saying how flaky and red skin could get. My skin was already dry/flaky because of winter, so initially I just wasn't sure what was going to happen to my poor tortured looking skin.

First thing to remember...make sure to wait about 20-30 min after you wash your face to use Retin-A. Skin has to be completely dry (not easy, I know). After putting a very small amount of cream over the face (don't rub it in too much), I wait at least an hour until I put any moisturizer on top. I use Clarin's Lotus Oil. The rest of the time it's important to use gentle products on the scrubs/exfoliants or harsh facials cleansers. My skin needs more moisturizer than normal since starting Retin-A.

First couple of weeks...IT WASN'T HORRIBLE! Yes! I think I had one major pimple on my chin that took awhile going away (it was huge). My skin got much clearer..all the bumpiness that used to be near my jawline was going away. My skin felt much smoother. I had a few clustered pimples on one of my cheeks and they were going away. I didn't experience any "purging" as many do. I did, however, experience flakiness and peeling. Not much redness though. I used this every 2/3 days.

The second month...A lot of dry patches that I tried my best not to peel off (I know...should not be doing that!). My acne was almost totally gone. I had a few minor zits (or should I say zitlets...they were that small). I think whatever minor acne I did get was because of different products I was trying out (makeup, moisturizers). I was still using this every 2 days because when I did try it every other day, my skin would get very dry.

Third month....Still have dry patches/flaky skin but it doesn't bother me as much because even without the Retin-A I would have had some dry patches (winter just doesn't want to leave *sigh*). I've been using this every other day now and it's been okay. No crazy pimples..some minor ones on the forehead that long to go than I thought. Right now I have a couple very small whiteheads on my chin and one teensy weensy one on my nose. When I put on my mineral powder they're not very noticeable. I have noticed a lot more lines on my might just be dehydrated skin though. I guess I'll find out for sure once summer comes along and if there's a change.

I've had really good results from Retin-A, and I've always had very sensitive skin. The trick is to use a very small amount and figure out how often you can use it (a lot of trial and error). Make sure that everything else you use on your skin is gentle. I'm thinking of trying the 0.05% after my tube finishes, but am having trouble finding Retin-A online. There are other brands but some of them have ingredients that would clog my pores and I want to stay away from anything like that. Should have bought more tubes a couple months ago! I would defnitely recommend this to anyone who's been suffering from acne and if you have drier skin but can put up with the dry/flaky patches for a few months, this is the winner.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bare Escentuals SPF 20 Correcting Concealer

I bought this concealer back in November when I wanted something different than my normal MUFE concealer. I wanted something that wasn't as thick but still had coverage. At the time I was breaking out a lot and I changed almost everything thing I was using. This BE concealer is very creamy, BUT provides hardly any coverage. I have a lot of redness and some darker spots because of previous acne and it does nothing to cover it. When I put it over any areas that were slightly drier, it looked like a big flaky mess.  It did match my skin perfectly, but I don't have much trouble finding concealers or foundations for my skin tone. I bought this is Medium 2. It didn't make me break out, however which is good. I've never finished a pot or tube of concealer so's only been 3 months and I've touched pan. my MUFE concealer used to last me over a year. This was a big disappointment. This would probably work for someone who needs very little coverage. I've just purchased a concealer online from Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC) and am just waiting to recieve it..can't wait to use it! And also the lip tar, which I've heard so many good things about...gotta love online makeup shopping.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet

I've been using Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet for just over 3 weeks. I got this after reading many good reviews and making sure the ingredients wouldn't clog my pores (which I've been struggling with lately). This moisturizer ticked everything I wanted in a moisturizer. I really like the consistency of this and the smooth feel of it on the skin. It doesn't have that oily feel that many moisturizers do. However, unfortunately this just doesn't moisturize the way I hoped. It absorbs quickly but my skin feels dry soon after. It does nothing for any drier patches. One good didn't break out my skin (yay!). This is a bit too pricey...the 40 ml tube will probably last another couple weeks. I usually buy moisturizer about every 3 months. Other reviews have said that this would be too rich for oily skin but I think this would be great for anyone with oilier skin. It just didn't help with moisturizing my drier winter skin. One other thing to note is that although this is meant for sensitive skin it contains fragrance (why?!). I really hoped this would have worked...I've been on the lookout for a moisturizer that provides hydration but doesn't break me out. Still on the hunt.....

Are there any moisturizers anyone can recommend or something that has worked for them? Combination (leaning towards drier in the winter), sensitive, acne prone skin....not the best combination!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Green People Foaming Face Wash

I've been using Kiehls Blue Herbal Gel Cleanser for the last 2 years but it was making my skin horribly dry and my acne wasn't clearing up anymore. So byebye Blue Herbal...time for a new face wash. I've been getting really interested in all the ingredients that go into skin care products, especially ones that are famous for clogging pores. Unfortunately the Blue Herbal Gel Cleanser had a few of these pore clogging ingredients (SLS, Sodium Chloride). Why would an anti-acne product be filled with ingredients that are meant to clog pores?! A lot of companies seem to take the easy way by putting in a couple of acne fighting ingredients but then filling it with the opposite. SO FRUSTRATING! So after going through countless online reviews, different skin care sites, and reading through the ingredient lists for products available online...I bought Green People Foaming Face Wash. This is gentle on skin and doesn't leave skin dry. This probably wouldn't be the best option for people with oily skin because even though it says "foaming" it takes quite a few pumps of the product for it to actually foam up on the skin. The one drawback on this cleanser is that it is horrible at washing off makeup. I use a micellar solution by La Roche Posay to take off my makeup first and then wash my face with this cleanser. What I don't like is the price and how much you get for that price. It's £10.95 (which is not expensive) BUT it's only 100 ml..I don't know long it's going to last. It's not great for getting rid of acne but it defnitely doesn't cause any. If you're looking for a basic and natural cleanser, this is it. I think I'll stick to this because it's one of the most gentle cleansers I've come across and with winter here, gentle is the way to go....can't rough up my already acne prone and dry skin.